2011 Case Definition
2011 Case Definition
2011 Case Definition
CSTE Position Statement(s)
- 10-ID-17
Clinical Description
An illness caused by the protozoan Giardia lamblia (aka G. intestinalis or G. duodenalis) and characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bloating, weight loss, or malabsorption.
Laboratory Criteria For Diagnosis
Laboratory-confirmed giardiasis shall be defined as the detection of Giardia organisms, antigen, or DNA in stool, intestinal fluid, tissue samples, biopsy specimens or other biological sample.
Case Classification
A case that meets the clinical description and that is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed case.
A case that meets the clinical description and the criteria for laboratory confirmation as described above. When available, molecular characterization (e.g., assemblage designation) should be reported.
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Last Reviewed: April 16, 2021